Saturday, August 6, 2011

Web 2.0 Tools

I confess I am a computer junkie.  I'm always on the lookout for Web 2.0 tools, and I found a online poster matching NETs with 2.0 tools.  Check out Web 2.0 Supports the NETS.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

This Teaching Librarian's Professional Reading

It is that time of the year when I sit down and reflect upon my practice, my philosophy, and what I can do to help my students learn and appreciate reading as a vehicle for academic success and personal gratification.  This year my reflections have taken on a whole new emphasis because I have a new principal, and my school did not meet AYP. So this Summer I  printed some articles, scanned the shelves, and obtained some books through ILL all in effort to improve upon my practice.  The first book, I have reviewed is Stephen Krashen's, The Power of Reading. Yes. I have read it before, but it doesn't hurt to reaffirm my belief in free voluntary reading, the power of reading aloud, and the importance of my students in having access to books.  It also reaffirms my belief that along with teaching digital literacy I need to always be aware of the importance of reading. Last year my former principal bought the media center a laptop cart.  In my enthusiasm I went a little overboard.  I spent a great deal of time teaching information skills and a little less time promoting reading.  So I hope that writing and revisiting this blog throughout the school year I can present lessons that are a little more balanced.  If you are interested in "reading"and would like a consise volume outlining  "reading" research, check out The Power of Reading.